Discover China’s Hidden Gem: Libo County – Where Zhangjiajie Meets Jiuzhaigou in a Summer Paradise!

In the low-key province of Guizhou, there is a place that sounds refreshingly cool just by its name.

Libo Guizhou

It has been listed twice by National Geographic as “China’s Most Beautiful Place,” and Lonely Planet has rated it as one of the most touching landscapes. It is known as the “Green Gem on Earth’s Belt.”

Libo Guizhou

It is more ethereal than Zhangjiajie and has water that is purer and greener than Jiuzhaigou. Every inch of its land is blessed by God.

Libo Guizhou

This place is Libo!

In summer, Libo transforms into a lush green wonderland, with greenery filling every corner of your sight.

Libo – Xiaoqikong

Xiaoqikong boasts beautiful scenery, with waterfalls and clear, emerald-green lakes that are rich in oxygen.

Seven-Arch Bridge

The bridge is built with limestone slabs and is covered with vines and ferns, giving it an ancient charm. Beneath the bridge is the captivating Hanbi Pool, with its mesmerizing green water.

Libo Guizhou
Libo Guizhou

The 182-year-old ancient bridge reflects on the water’s surface, blending harmoniously with the surrounding trees and reeds, creating a tranquil and poetic beauty.

Libo Guizhou
Libo Guizhou

Wolong Pool

An underground river gushes out from the bottom of the cliff, leaving no trace on the surface of the pool. Only this “emerald” pond flows quietly, exuding even more charm.

Libo Guizhou
Libo Guizhou

It is said that there are more than 12,000 negative oxygen ions per cubic meter of air here, making the air exceptionally fresh. You’ll want to take deep breaths and even bring a few bags of this air back home.

Libo Guizhou
Libo Guizhou

Mandarin Duck Lake

Two large lakes and four small lakes are connected to form a fascinating water network. The lake surface is emerald green, resembling a water maze.

Libo Guizhou

At narrow points, it’s like a shaded water alley. When the sun is strong, you can take shelter under the trees and enjoy the cool shade, making it particularly comfortable.

Libo Guizhou

68-Level Cascading Waterfall

The 68-Level Cascading Waterfall—just hearing its name, you can imagine a beautifully aesthetic scene.

Libo Guizhou
Libo Guizhou

With mountain streams and spring waters, although it doesn’t have the grandeur of a large waterfall, the understated cascading waterfall is equally beautiful. Listening to the murmuring sound of the spring water, your mood will feel light and refreshed.

Libo Guizhou
Libo Guizhou

Laya Waterfall

Laya Waterfall is not a massive waterfall, but it’s right by the roadside, giving a sense of exhilaration and intimacy.

Libo Guizhou

Tourists occasionally walk under the waterfall, experiencing the cascading water and spraying mist up close, instantly feeling cool in the scorching summer.

Libo Guizhou
Libo Guizhou

Libo – Daqikong

Unlike the elegance of Xiaoqikong’s landscape, Daqikong’s water and mountains are more spacious and magnificent.

Libo Guizhou

Natural Bridge

Walking along the boardwalk into Daqikong, there is a karst natural bridge about 60 meters high, 10 meters thick, and with a bridge arch about 20 meters wide.

Libo Guizhou

Light penetrates from the other side of the bridge as if summoning from another world. Walking under the bridge and looking up, you can see fine water droplets falling from the sky, creating an awe-inspiring sight.

Libo Guizhou

Ticket: Xiaoqikong and Daqikong joint ticket 130 CNY

Opening Hours: 07:30-17:00 (peak season), 08:00-17:00 (off-season)

Maolan Nature Reserve

The landscape of Maolan is beautiful, like a fairyland on earth!

Libo Guizhou

The towering mountain peaks, with their lazy and quiet appearance, evoke an inexplicable sense of tranquility.

Libo Guizhou

Maolan is a green gem hidden in Qiannan, full of mountain and water scenery. It’s suitable for self-driving tours and even better for hiking or staying for a few days to let your mind run free.

Libo Guizhou

In Libo, even a handful of water is refreshingly cool;

Libo Guizhou

Every vast peak and forest is captivating;

Libo Guizhou

The scenery here is primitive, rustic, pure, and makes people linger and indulge.

Libo Guizhou

Right now, the water in Xiaoqikong and Daqikong is blue, and the trees in Maolan are lush. Libo is ready. What are you waiting for?