Discover the Hidden Gem of Guangxi: Beihai, a Charming Coastal City with the Largest Island and Top-Ranked Livability

When it comes to seaside destinations, many people immediately think of Hainan. However, there is an ancient coastal city in Guangxi that boasts a more pristine sea compared to Sanya and is the only city in China where you can spot whales. This place is none other than Beihai, Guangxi.

Guangxi Beihai Travel

The old town has been repeatedly listed among the “Top Ten Most Livable Cities” in China, making it an ideal place for long-term living. Moreover, Beihai is surrounded by the sea on three sides, allowing for swimming in the ocean for two-thirds of the year, with an average annual temperature of around 20 degrees Celsius.

Guangxi Beihai Travel

The small city is compact, and there are many shared electric scooters along the streets. For just a few yuan, you can easily reach any part of Beihai.

Guangxi Beihai Travel

Here, you can feel the gentle caress of the sea breeze, savor the deliciousness of seafood, and immerse yourself in the romance and ease of this old town.

Weizhou Island

This destination, praised by “National Geographic” magazine as one of the “Most Beautiful Islands in China,” is the largest and geologically youngest volcanic island in the country.

Guangxi Beihai Travel

Cycling along the coastal road of the island, bathed in the bright sea breeze, the endless blue sea unfolds before your eyes, dotted with colorful houses.

Guangxi Beihai Travel

Upon setting foot on this island, Crocodile Mountain Volcano Park is often the first stop for visitors. Sitting on the weathered reef rocks, you can witness the surging waves crashing before you.

Guangxi Beihai Travel

Don’t miss the Dishui Danping (Dripping Water Cliff)! The beach here presents a unique matcha color, with cacti growing freely and water constantly dripping down the cliff walls, creating a strikingly wild and beautiful landscape.

Guangxi Beihai Travel
Whale Watching on Weizhou Island

From December to April of the following year, it is the perfect time to spot whales. Weizhou Island is also the only place in China where you can observe whales.

It is recommended to choose a speedboat for whale watching, with a sailing time of about 2 hours. The speed advantage of the speedboat increases the chances of close encounters with whales, while the official Xunxian Hao, a larger vessel, has a slower speed and a relatively lower success rate of whale sightings.

Silver Beach

The Silver Beach in Beihai, known as the “No. 1 Beach in the World,” features clean and fine sandy beaches, crystal-clear blue water, and a unique coastal ambiance. Every element of Silver Beach makes it hard for you to resist its allure.

Guangxi Beihai Travel

The beach is composed of high-quality quartz sand, as white as snow and as fine as powder. Under the sunlight, the sand sparkles with a silver glow. Walking barefoot on the beach feels incredibly comfortable.

Guantou Ridge Beach

Guantou Ridge Beach is a hidden gem! It is the only scenic spot in Beihai city with an elevation and reefs. Located at the westernmost point of Beihai, it is also the perfect place to watch the sunset.

Guangxi Beihai Travel

Strolling on this golden sandy beach, the fine sand grains gently slide beneath your feet. In the distance, the sky and sea merge into one, with the azure sky intertwining with the deep blue water, creating a highly artistic scene.

Beihai Old Street

Beihai Old Street is one of the longest and most intact old streets in Lingnan, China. Here, you can see a blend of Chinese and Western arcade-style architecture and experience the cultural essence of this century-old port city.

Guangxi Beihai Travel

On both sides of the street, rows of Chinese and Western arcade-style buildings are interspersed. These buildings are deeply influenced by the architectural styles of British, French, and German consulates in the late 19th century.

Guangxi Beihai Travel

The shops along the old street offer a wide variety of goods, showcasing a fusion of tradition and modernity, and displaying the diverse charm of Beihai.

Qiaogang Custom Street

Qiaogang Custom Street is less well-known compared to Beihai Old Street. It is a paradise for foodies, offering authentic Vietnamese cuisine. During the Sino-Vietnamese War, Vietnamese Chinese who returned settled here.

Guangxi Beihai Travel

Qiaogang Custom Street is not only a great place to eat but also features many dopamine-inducing signs, making it perfect for taking photos and checking in on social media.

Gaode Old Street

Gaode Old Street is the place that best represents the history of Gaode, with a history of more than 200 years. The street is paved with bluestone slabs, which remain flat and smooth despite the passage of time.

The buildings on both sides feature an ancient and elegant style, with green bricks, black tiles, vermilion doors, and red windows, exuding a strong Lingnan charm. These buildings have witnessed the vicissitudes of the old street and carry the memories and stories of countless people.

Liuxia Village

Stepping into Liuxia Village feels like being transported to a Japanese-style rural world. The architectural style of the village is mainly characterized by red tiles and brick walls, giving it an ancient and elegant appearance.

Guangxi Beihai Travel

Most of the old houses use the “stone room” structure, and even if they are rebuilt or repaired later, they still retain the original architectural style, as if each stone carries the imprint of history. Walking along the village paths, you can see lush trees and colorful flowers on both sides, which complement the surrounding buildings.

Beihai Shrimp Cake

Beihai Shrimp Cake is a famous snack on Beihai Old Street. The golden outer layer is crispy and delicious, and with one bite, you can feel the perfect combination of the freshness of shrimp meat and the richness of flour.

Guangxi Beihai Travel

Made with fresh sea shrimp, the filling is generous, and every bite seems to take you to the seaside, experiencing the freshness and vastness of the ocean.

Pig Trotter Noodles

Pig Trotter Noodles is a unique delicacy in Guangxi. It is named after the local specialty of wide rice noodles, served with seasoned cooked pig trotters as a side dish. It is spicy, fragrant, and refreshing, and can be found in restaurants and street stalls of all sizes throughout Guangxi.

Guangxi Beihai Travel

Among the many delicious soup noodles in Beihai, Pig Trotter Noodles can be said to have the highest rating. The pig trotters are fatty but not greasy, and have a very high nutritional value. After a long time of stewing, even the pig trotter skin becomes especially fragrant and soft, making it a must-try delicacy.

Crab Meat Noodles

Crab Meat Noodles are made with fresh crab meat and delicate rice noodles, offering a unique and delicious taste.

Guangxi Beihai Travel

The crab meat is tender, juicy, and paired with the smooth texture of the rice noodles, allowing you to savor the taste of the sea and the freshness of the crab meat with every bite.


Shuimiyi is a specialty snack in Beihai, Guangxi. The crystal-clear rice skin wraps a rich filling, creating a distinct layered texture. High-quality glutinous rice is used to make the rice skin, which is then paired with various fillings such as pork, shrimp, etc., resulting in a delicious and appetizing taste.

Beihai Rice Noodle Rolls

The rice noodle rolls in Beihai have a very thin skin. The thin rice skin wraps various fillings such as bean sprouts, shredded meat, shrimp, etc., offering a rich and diverse texture.

Guangxi Beihai Travel

Each bite allows you to taste the deliciousness of different ingredients and the smooth texture of the rice skin.

Chicken Shred Noodles

Chicken Shred Noodles is one of the delicacies introduced to Beihai from Vietnam. It uses Vietnam’s unique rice noodles paired with shredded chicken. The main ingredients include Beihai rice noodles, shredded chicken, etc., creating a delicious and refreshing taste.

Beihai Radish Cake

Beihai Radish Cake is a type of Cantonese-style radish cake and a traditional snack in Beihai.

Guangxi Beihai Travel

This cake must be eaten while it’s hot, as it has an incredibly soft and smooth texture!

Snail Meat

In addition to snail noodles, the people of Beihai enjoy eating various types of snail meat, such as white snails, red snails, flower clams, etc., which can all be found in restaurants in Beihai. Every single snail is not wasted in Beihai, whether it’s steamed or stir-fried… it’s a must-try when visiting Beihai!

How to Get to Beihai

By Plane: Beihai Fucheng Airport. There are shuttle buses to the city center at the Civil Aviation Mansion, approximately 24 kilometers away. If you’re in a hurry, you can take a taxi.

By High-Speed Train/Train: Beihai Station. ⚠️ If your city doesn’t have direct trains or high-speed trains to Beihai, you can transfer at Guilin, Liuzhou, or Nanning.