Is Mount Everest Worth Visiting? Discover the Ultimate Guide to the World’s Highest Peak!

Mount Everes

Many people, from a young age, have been exposed to various depictions of Mount Everest, the world’s highest peak, through television and books. The stunning images and videos have ignited a vague desire and longing to visit this majestic mountain.

Mount Everes

Setting it as a must-reach goal in their lives, they keep it as a dream in their hearts until they grow up, approach it, and realize it. They yearn to shout out loud from the closest point to the mountain, feeling reborn and rediscovering themselves at its foot.

Mount Everes
Mount Everes

Today, we will provide an overview of the must-visit attractions around Mount Everest and its surrounding areas for those who have always dreamed of reaching the peak.

World’s Highest-Altitude “First Park”

Mount Everes
Mount Everes

Before heading to Mount Everest, it’s essential to understand the must-visit spots around the world’s highest-altitude Qomolangma National Park.

Mount Everes

Located at the junction of the Tibet Autonomous Region and Nepal in the southwest, the park covers six counties, including Dingri and Jilong, spanning across the Tibetan Plateau and the Himalayan Mountains. With a total area of 78,000 square kilometers, it includes two ecological valleys, Gama Valley and Jilong Valley, five peaks above 8,000 meters, including Mount Everest, Lhotse, and Makalu, and more than ten peaks above 7,000 meters.

Mount Everes
Mount Everes

The park also features numerous glaciers, such as the Rongbuk Glacier, and several tourist attractions, including the Lazi Folk Culture Tourism Park, Lazi Xiqin Hot Spring Scenic Area, and Zhangmu Xuebugong Forest Eco-Tourism Scenic Area. The Everest Base Camp is also located within the park.

World’s Most Beautiful Observation Deck

Mount Everes

Entering the Qomolangma National Park, the most exciting stop is the Gyawula Pass, known as the “world’s most beautiful observation deck.” It is the only place where visitors can simultaneously view five peaks over 8,000 meters. The pass sits at an altitude of 5,200 meters, and to reach it, one must navigate the famous “Sky Road” with its 108 bends.

Mount Everes

These bends resemble the “hairpin turns” on an F1 racetrack, with the road spiraling up neatly. Driving along this section involves ascending about 800 meters back and forth on 180-degree turns. This stretch is also the most thrilling part of the journey into the core area of Mount Everest, and people often joke, “Even the drivers get car sick here.”

Mount Everes

After conquering the 108 bends and reaching the Gyawula Pass, you can’t help but marvel at the saying, “Mountains also gather.” From east to west, the peaks of Makalu, Lhotse, Mount Everest, Cho Oyu, and Shishapangma stand in a row, with Everest situated right in the middle, resembling a queen surrounded by her entourage.

Mount Everes

The World at the Foot of Everest

Mount Everes

The farthest we can reach is the world’s highest-altitude temple, Rongbuk Monastery. This place is not only one of the best locations to view Mount Everest but also the closest we can get to the mountain.

Mount Everes

Near Rongbuk Monastery, you have the chance to witness the Everest flag cloud, considered one of the world’s greatest wonders, and encounter the magnificent golden mountain illuminated by the morning and evening glow.

Mount Everes

In addition, staying at the Everest Base Camp, located at the foot of the mountain, is an excellent choice. Inside the tents at the base camp, you can even enjoy an exquisite Tibetan-style dinner.

Mount Everes

If you are a person with a penchant for romance, after waking up early to admire Everest’s visage, you can visit the tent post office at the base camp and send a postcard to yourself and your loved ones, which is a very heartwarming and romantic gesture.

Mount Everes

Apart from the daytime, the starry night sky above Everest is incredibly dazzling and beautiful. As the afterglow fades and the sky darkens, diamond-like glittering stars will appear before your eyes.

Mount Everes
Mount Everes

At this moment, Everest beneath the starry river becomes cold and aloof, evoking a sense of awe towards nature and a longing for a beautiful future. Once you’ve seen it, this marvelous scene will often resurface in your mind.

Ultimate Experience at the Top of the World

Mount Everes
Mount Everes

If you have ample time, there are many stunning places around Everest to visit, such as the Gama Valley, Jilong Valley, and Zhangmu Valley, among the five valleys of the Himalayas. As you drive into the Jilong Valley, you will be greeted by magnificent scenery rivaling that of Switzerland.

Mount Everes
Mount Everes

Snow-capped mountains, canyons, forests, waterfalls, meadows, and ancient villages—this place is like a real-life “Garden of Eden.” If you choose to stay in Jilong Nai Village for a while, you may even consider making it your permanent residence.

Mount Everes
Mount Everes

If merely admiring the beautiful scenery doesn’t satisfy you, you can opt for a summer trek in the Gama Valley on the eastern slope of Everest. Immerse yourself in nature’s most stunning beauty, encounter the majestic 8,000-meter snow-capped mountains, and discover numerous gem-like lakes along the trekking route while gaining health, happiness, rediscovering your original aspiration, and meeting a better version of yourself.

Mount Everes
Mount Everes

Small Tips:

  • Tickets: To enter the Qomolangma National Park, the entrance fee is 160 yuan per person. Self-driving visitors need to pay a vehicle fee of 320 yuan per vehicle. To reach the Everest Base Camp and Rongbuk Monastery, visitors must transfer to an environmental-friendly sightseeing bus, which costs 120 yuan per person. The entrance fee for Rongbuk Monastery is 30 yuan per person.
  • Accommodation: Options include the Everest Base Camp, guesthouses along the way, and the Rongbuk Monastery hostel. There are double rooms, triple rooms, and five-person rooms available, with bed prices ranging from 100 to 300 yuan. Dining options include a 78 yuan per person Tibetan-style hot pot buffet.
  • Documents: To visit Everest, visitors need to obtain a border permit in advance, preferably from their place of household registration.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Visiting Tibet in winter is recommended, as there are usually preferential policies for residents during this season. Moreover, winter has less cloud and fog, making it easier to view the full appearance of the snow-capped mountains.
  • Other: Be sure to protect yourself from the sun by wearing sunglasses, a sun hat, and thick clothing, as the temperature difference between day and night is significant.