Alxa League Travel Guide: Unparalleled Autumn Scenery You Can’t Afford to Miss!

Alxa League Travel

Alxa League is home to the world’s only desert-based geological park – the Alxa Desert World Geopark. It stretches from the Ceke Port in the north to Yinchuan in the south, connects with Hami in the west, and is bordered by the Helan Mountains in the east. Without immersing yourself in the autumn of western Inner Mongolia in this “colorful land,” how can you understand the unique sense of desolation and beauty that autumn brings? Set off for Alxa League right away, where the magnificent natural scenery and diverse ethnic cultures present the overture of Alxa in the golden October.

Alxa League Travel

1.Ceke Port

Alxa League Travel

On the first day of entering Ejin Banner, we will start our tour from north to south. Ceke Port corresponds to the Sainshand Port in South Gobi Province, Mongolia. Opened in 1992, Ceke Port was originally a seasonal port. Although the small port was inconspicuous at that time, it often attracted merchants and herders from China and Mongolia. Gradually, the traded goods expanded from daily necessities, furs, and livestock to mineral products, non-ferrous metals, grain and oil, construction materials, and machinery, covering more categories.

Alxa League Travel

Today’s Ceke Port is the third-largest land port in Inner Mongolia. The scenic area features a dazzling array of shops, unique artworks, and various delicacies, blending elements from China, Mongolia, and Russia. Visitors can also take photos at the No. 572 boundary monument, the statue of Genghis Khan, and the national gate.

TIPS: Bring your ID card when visiting the port. Currently, the Ceke Port tourist area has planned 6 boarding points, each with 3 sightseeing trains and 6 sightseeing vehicles, totaling 9 sightseeing vehicles forming a dedicated transportation line for visitors to ride for free.

2.Lake Juyan

Alxa League Travel

Drive about 44 kilometers south along National Highway 213 from Ceke Port to reach Lake Juyan. Lake Juyan, also known as Juyan Zeze, means “flat flowing sand” in the Xiongnu language, and “Zeze” refers to the ancient lake covering more than 300 square kilometers.

Alxa League Travel

Despite having experienced the cut-off of the Heihe River and the desertification of the oasis, Lake Juyan’s area has only recovered to 16 square kilometers after the implementation of the Heihe River water diversion project. However, the scenery is still spectacular. There are three viewing platforms in the scenic area. Standing by the lake and gazing into the distance, the rippling waves on the surface of the lake blur the boundary between water and sky, offering a stunning view of “the autumn water and the long sky merging into one color.”

Alxa League Travel

In addition to the lake scenery, the red grassland in the northeast of Lake Juyan will also reach its peak from September to October. The clear autumn water and the increasingly vibrant purple-red aquatic plants create a stunning sight, and visitors can witness silver gulls and white egrets flying among the reeds.

3.Ejin Populus Euphratica Forest

Alxa League Travel

The best way to get to know the Populus euphratica tree is to see it in person. As one of the world’s three largest Populus euphratica forests, the Ejin Populus Euphratica Forest integrates various natural landscapes such as desert, gobi, grassland, and lakes. The 312 provincial highway runs through it, connecting a magnificent 30-kilometer stretch of uninterrupted scenery from the first bridge to the eighth bridge.

Alxa League Travel

October is the best time to visit the Ejin Populus Euphratica Forest. During this time, the weather is clear and crisp, and more than 400,000 mu (26,666 hectares) of Populus euphratica trees are wrapped in golden attire, backed by the pure blue sky and basking in the gentle autumn sun. The large swaths of golden leaves dancing in the wind are even more vivid and passionate, leaving people no time to associate them with the “hero trees” guarding the edge of the desert.

Alxa League Travel

For travelers who are passionate about photography, they can capture the reflected forest in the water at the second bridge, the hero forest where the movie “Hero” was filmed at the fourth bridge, or frame the desert and the Populus euphratica forest together at the eighth bridge to shoot the sand sea forest. The scenic area also has shuttle buses, restaurants, and accommodations. However, when visiting the Populus euphratica forest during the peak season, everything mentioned above needs to be booked in advance, and visitors should be prepared for potential crowding.

4.Ejin Banner Museum

Alxa League Travel

The Ejin Banner Museum has two floors. The first floor showcases the long history of Ejin Banner since the Neolithic era. Among them, the highlights of the museum’s exhibits include the Juyan Commandery during the Western Han Dynasty, the establishment of the Western Xia Heishui City by the Dangxiang people, the prosperity of the Grassland Silk Road, and the eastward return of the Torghut tribe.

Alxa League Travel

The more than 30,000 Juyan Han bamboo slips unearthed in Ejin Banner since the 1930s have been hailed as a major archaeological discovery of the 20th century and are currently on display at the National Library of China in Beijing. In addition, the museum also introduces themes such as natural landforms, human history, and technological development in seven exhibition halls, displaying cultural relics such as Western Xia documents, China’s earliest New Year pictures, and various painted sculptures.

5.Heicheng Ruoshui Populus Euphratica Forest

The remaining time can be spent in the Heicheng Ruoshui Populus Euphratica Forest Scenic Area. As the name suggests, the scenic area combines three attractions: the Heicheng Ruins, the Ruoshui Populus Euphratica Forest, and the Strange Tree Forest, making it convenient for travelers to visit.

Alxa League Travel

Heishui City (also known as Heicheng) was once a military stronghold of the Western Xia Kingdom and a center for multicultural exchanges. The city once had buildings of different styles, including Buddhist, Islamic, and Taoist architecture. Now, only the ruins devoured by sand and the wind-eroded remnants of walls remain. The ancient church in the southwest, which has been preserved, stands quietly in the desert, telling the story of the city’s past and present.

Alxa League Travel

The Heicheng Scenic Area currently has a replica of an ancient commercial city. If you are more interested in history, you can choose to continue by car to the ruins. However, due to the need for cultural relic restoration, the ruins have been temporarily closed to the public since August 23rd of this year, and travelers can only admire the panoramic view of the ruins from a distance for the time being.

Alxa League Travel

The Heihe River, which originates from the Qilian Mountains and flows into Lake Juyan, is also known as the “Ruoshui” or “Ejin River” in the Ejin Banner section. The Ruoshui River has a long course and wide banks, reflecting the blue sky, white clouds, and golden Populus euphratica trees, creating a vast and boundless landscape. You can choose to go to the sides of the main river channel upstream to experience the most beautiful autumn scenery of the Ruoshui Populus Euphratica Forest.

Alxa League Travel

Finally, visit the Strange Tree Forest to see the Populus euphratica trees that “live for a thousand years without dying, die for a thousand years without falling, and fall for a thousand years without decaying.” The sand has covered part of the dead tree trunks, while the exposed parts above the ground are of various shapes and postures. The desolate and tragic tree shadows under the setting sun, combined with the background of yellow sand, create a scene that thousands of photography enthusiasts cannot miss.

Alxa League Travel

Here, you can feel the changes of the sea turning into mulberry fields and, more importantly, the significance of rebuilding the oasis and restoring the ecology. At night, you can stay at the Desert Populus Euphratica Phoenix Forest Campsite in the scenic area (only open during the Populus Euphratica Festival, see the official website for details) or drive for an hour to Dongfeng Town to save travel time for the third day.

6.Dongfeng Aerospace City

Alxa League Travel

Dongfeng Aerospace City may sound a bit unfamiliar at first, but when mentioned as the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, it immediately rings a bell. You might be surprised: why is it not in Jiuquan? In fact, the well-known Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center is located in this small desert town.

Alxa League Travel

As China’s only manned space launch site and one of the world’s three manned space launch sites, Dongfeng Town, situated on the vast Gobi desert, not only embodies the spirit of “Two Bombs and One Satellite” and the lifelong dedication of the aerospace personnel but has also gradually grown into a more modernized aerospace town.

Alxa League Travel

Currently, entering the Aerospace City requires advance application, personal information verification, and following a tour group in and out. Travelers can visit the History Exhibition Hall, Wentian Pavilion, Martyrs’ Cemetery, or the original site of the Dongfanghong Satellite Launch. The launch center occasionally has satellite launch plans, so contacting the travel agency in advance to confirm will make your itinerary planning more secure.

TIPS: You can check the 15 connected travel agencies on the WeChat official account “Rongtong i Dongfeng” and then decide whether to join a group or inquire about the possibility of individual travel. It is important to note that different attractions and contents will result in different group prices, so you can choose according to your needs.

Alxa League Travel

7.Badain Jaran Desert

Alxa League Travel

The Badain Jaran, Juyan, and Tengger areas of the Alxa Desert World Geopark are all great choices for desert adventures. If you’re new and don’t know how to choose, head straight to the Badain Jaran Desert, which boasts the world’s highest sand dunes, to avoid decision fatigue.

Alxa League Travel
Bilutu Sand Peak

Located on the Alxa Plateau, the Badain Jaran Desert is famous for its “strange peaks, singing sands, lake clusters, sacred springs, and ancient temples.” Here, you can find sand dunes of various shapes, towering and steep, with the Bilutu Sand Peak, standing at about 1,617 meters, being the world’s highest sand dune.

Moreover, you can witness lakes of various colors, including pink, purple, blue, and green. With as many as 144 desert lakes, Badain Jaran has the most lakes among China’s deserts.

Alxa League Travel
Lakes and Temples in the Desert

While exploring this area, you can discover rich desert biomes, find secluded temples, or choose to cool off at the Alxa Desert World Geopark Museum on a hot afternoon.

Alxa League Travel

Designed in the shape of a sand dune, the museum is built on the southern edge of Badain Jaran. It houses 54 types of specimens in 10 categories, including metal and non-metal mineral specimens, paleontological fossils, Gobi stones, and plant and animal specimens, presenting a comprehensive view of the desert to visitors in an interesting and educational way.

Alxa League Travel
Campsites in the Desert

At night, you can choose to stay at a campsite by a lake or a more comfortable desert inn to stargaze.

TIPS: The desert has significant temperature differences between day and night, so be prepared for wind, sand, and cold.

8.Tengger Desert

Alxa League Travel

The next morning, continue heading south. Compared to the scattered lakes in the Badain Jaran Desert, the Five Lakes Crossing route in the Tengger Desert is more classic. Crossing five lakes in the vast desert within a day requires setting off before dawn, galloping through the sand sea, and traversing between sand peaks.

According to the predetermined route (which needs to be discussed with the driver in advance), travelers can reach the five classic lakes: Swan Lake, Emerald Lake, Camel Lake, Ulan Lake, and Zhangjia Lake. If time permits, you can also appreciate a few lesser-known lakes.

Alxa League Travel

It is important to note that the best viewing period for the famous Heart of the Earth is mostly in summer, and the colors of the other lakes may change depending on temperature, rainfall, and the number of salt-tolerant organisms.

Alxa League Travel

Moreover, due to the steep sand peaks and strong sandstorm forces, off-road vehicles may experience swaying and bumping while driving. Travelers prone to motion sickness or with weak physical conditions should participate within their limits. You can choose to spend a comfortable day at an eco-tourism area or a similar resort campsite in the heart of the desert.

9.Bayan Hot

Spend the last day in Bayan Hot Town at the western foot of the Helan Mountains. In the morning, head to a small shop with the aroma of meat, enjoy a steamer of thin-skinned, meaty dumplings (called “shaomai” in Inner Mongolia), grab a cup of rich camel yogurt and a naan bread on the street, and start your day.

Alxa League Travel

Drive to the east, where two temples are hidden in the valleys. Guangzong Temple, also known as the South Temple, has six subsidiary temples. In 1746, the 6th Dalai Lama Tsangyang Gyatso passed away here, and his holy body stupa is still worshipped in the temple. Fuyinsi Temple (North Temple), also a Gelug sect Tibetan Buddhist temple, is smaller and can be visited optionally.

Alxa League Travel

Returning to Bayan Hot Town, you can try the camel milk hotpot and various camel meat products for lunch in the “Camel Capital of China,” Alxa League. Before leaving, purchase some dried cheese, milk skin, or brick tea, and head to Yinchuan to take the high-speed train or plane back home.