Breathtaking Zhangjiajie: A Must-Visit Destination for 300,000 Foreign Tourists, Where Beauty Leaves You Speechless and Foreign Currency is Accepted!

The recently concluded May Day holiday was like a grand carnival, with famous scenic spots across the country being inundated by crowds akin to tidal waves. Amidst this, one shining star stood out exceptionally bright.

Compared to the bustling domestic tourists, foreign visitors seemed to be even more abundant here, especially those from the distant land of South Korea. This place, which they regard as a must-visit destination in one’s lifetime, is none other than Zhangjiajie—a natural wonder.


In South Korea, there is a popular saying: “If you haven’t set foot in Zhangjiajie, you can’t be called an elder even at the age of a hundred.” This is not just a slogan, but a deep-seated yearning in the hearts of countless nature-loving Koreans.


According to a report by The Beijing News, Zhangjiajie has seemingly become the backyard of South Korea, with Korean tourist-filled buses and joyful faces visible everywhere.

As per the authoritative data from the Hunan Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, this small city with a permanent population of less than one million attracted a staggering 261,200 inbound tourists in the first quarter alone. Among them, Korean tourists took the lead, reaching 105,100 person-times, accounting for 40.23% of the total inbound tourists.

To facilitate these Korean friends, the Zhangjiajie municipal government thoughtfully introduced a Korean won cash exchange service, allowing tourists to directly use Korean won for shopping, greatly enhancing the convenience of travel.


As China’s first national forest park, Zhangjiajie has long been included in the “World Natural Heritage List” by UNESCO and is highly recommended by “Lonely Planet” magazine. Although it is not among the traditional Three Mountains and Five Sacred Mountains of China, its unique fantasy and magnificence are enough to overshadow any other mountain scenery.


Why do they have such a fondness for Zhangjiajie? This question can perhaps only be truly understood when you set foot on this magical land and experience its wonders and charm for yourself.


Zhangjiajie No Off-Season for Scenery All Year Round

Visiting Zhangjiajie in spring is to experience the vibrant “liveliness.”

The embrace of the mountains seems so vast that it can accommodate all the world’s clamor. However, the “liveliness” here refers to how Zhangjiajie dances lightly like a young girl in this season of vibrant spring.

In spring, Zhangjiajie is like an exquisite and delicate landscape watercolor painting. In the mountains, cherry blossoms, peach blossoms, and apricot blossoms compete to bloom, like a fairyland, with their fragrance wafting in the wind.


Visiting Zhangjiajie in summer is to experience the refreshing “coolness.”

When other places are stirred by the scorching summer heat, Zhangjiajie seems to be a cool world forgotten by summer.

People here fully enjoy the cool summer days, admiring the magnificent sea of clouds and waterfalls, feeling the wonder and charm of nature, as if they are in a natural summer resort.


Visiting Zhangjiajie in autumn is to experience the poetic and picturesque “charm.”

The originally verdant mountaintops have changed into fiery red garments, with blazing maple leaves igniting one mountain after another, like nature’s palette.

As the breeze blows, ripples spread across the quiet mountains—the rustling sound of the wind blowing through the dense forests, the crisp impact of the stream flowing over the stones, and the playful monkeys awakening the entire forest, as if nature is playing a beautiful symphony.


Visiting Zhangjiajie in winter is to experience the pure and flawless “serenity.”

On a clear day, thick icicles glitter with dazzling golden light under the sun. The rugged and stunning Zhangjiajie gains an extra touch of ethereality and elegance with a thin layer of white snow.

On cloudy days, it is often accompanied by lingering mist, yet even so, it has its unique beauty, like viewing the scenery through a thin veil, making people feel as if they are in a Chinese landscape painting, experiencing tranquility and mystery.


Zhangjiajie Behind the Masterpiece of Nature Lies Wilderness

When it comes to the essence of Zhangjiajie, Wulingyuan undoubtedly occupies the core position when it comes to the essence of Zhangjiajie.


Golden Whip Stream

The Golden Whip Stream, a meandering stream, is undoubtedly the most dazzling pearl of Wulingyuan. The scenery along the stream is picturesque, earning it the reputation of being “one of the most beautiful canyons in the world.” Upon entering the Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, one can see the enchanting silhouette of the Golden Whip Stream after just a few hundred steps.

On both sides, steep peaks stand like emerald screens, guarding for thousands of years, surrounded by lush greenery. Between these verdant barriers, the Golden Whip Stream resembles a lively ribbon, gracefully winding its way through.

Zhangjiajie Golden Whip Stream
Zhangjiajie Golden Whip Stream

She is like a maiden in a secluded chamber, sometimes gentle as jade, sometimes joyfully leaping. Colorful pebbles and vegetation intertwine, blending into the stream, forming a vibrant and colorful scroll. Where the water flows gently, fish and tadpoles frolic, enjoying the tenderness of nature. At the stone pile fault, the Golden Whip Stream reveals her liveliness and passion, with white foam adorning her skirt like pearls.

As one delves deeper, the trees become more lush, blocking the sky, as if entering a forgotten paradise.

Zhangjiajie Golden Whip Stream

Ten-Mile Gallery

The five-kilometer-long Ten-Mile Gallery lives up to its name. It is not a gallery, yet it is more splendid and colorful than any gallery. Upon entering the scenic area, the mountain scenery is breathtaking, with soaring peaks and low-lying ranges intertwined into masterpieces of nature.

Zhangjiajie Ten-Mile Gallery
Zhangjiajie Ten-Mile Gallery

Walking through it feels like being in a painting, standing shoulder to shoulder with cliffs and precipices, experiencing the exquisite and peerless natural wonders. Taking a mini train tour adds a unique flavor to the experience. The mini train shuttles through the mist, as if entering a fairyland of green mountains and clear waters, with mist lingering and peaks appearing and disappearing, like a flowing landscape painting.

Zhangjiajie Ten-Mile Gallery


Yuanjiajie, a pearl embedded in the core scenic area of Wulingyuan, is world-renowned for its unique landforms. The floating mountains of “Hallelujah Mountains” in the movie “Avatar” were filmed here, earning it the title of the real-world “Pandora.”

Zhangjiajie Yuanjiajie

Here, you can see numerous towering rock columns distributed in the valleys, taking on myriad shapes, as if they were magical gifts bestowed by nature. Walking along the cliff edge, you can appreciate the majestic view up close, with the misty scenery appearing like a fairyland.

Zhangjiajie Yuanjiajie


Yangjiajie consists of three small scenic areas: Xiangzhi Stream, Longquan Gorge, and Monkey Valley. The most famous among them is the “World’s No. 1 Waterfall”—Longquan Waterfall. Compared to other scenic areas, Yangjiajie was developed later, so its scenery appears more primitive and rustic.

The geological landforms and some of the peaks here are similar to other scenic areas, yet they have their own unique charm. Yangjiajie is like a maiden raised in a secluded chamber, captivating the world as soon as she emerges.

Zhangjiajie Yangjiajie

Zhangjiajie Wonder Behind the Heavenly Realm on Earth

When it comes to the uniqueness, steepness, and magnificence of Zhangjiajie, Tianmen Mountain is undoubtedly its shining pearl.

Zhangjiajie Heavenly Realm on Earth

Tianmen Cave is the ultimate interpretation of “wonder.” It is not only a natural through-mountain karst cave at the top of the world but also the soul of Tianmen Mountain. Standing at 131.5 meters high, 57 meters wide, and 60 meters deep, it is like the eye of a giant, embedded in the cliff at an altitude of over 1,300 meters, surrounded by mist all year round, like a fairyland. Inside the cave, mist sometimes surges and swirls, and in an instant, it becomes as clear as a mirror, leaving one in awe at every moment.

Zhangjiajie Tianmen Cave

The natural sense of participation in Tianmen Mountain does not arrive quietly but surges like tidal waves. Taking the Tianmen Mountain cable car is like instantly crossing from a bustling city to a primitive aerial garden. During the 7,455-meter cable car journey, with an altitude difference of 1,277 meters, as the cable car slowly ascends, you transform into a fairy in the mountains, riding the clouds and mist, dancing with the peaks.

Zhangjiajie Tianmen Cave

The Guigu Plank Road on Tianmen Mountain is a paradise for the brave. The 1,600-meter-long plank road is entirely built on a cliff thousands of meters high, with an unfathomable abyss below. Standing on the plank road, surrounded by mist, it feels like being in a heavenly realm, with beautiful scenery at your feet, making one feel refreshed and delighted.

Zhangjiajie Tianmen Cave

The Avenue Leading to Heaven, as its name suggests, indicates its steepness. It is a mountain road in the Zhangjiajie Tianmen Mountain National Forest Park, with a total length of less than 11 kilometers, yet it rapidly ascends from an altitude of 200 meters to over 1,200 meters. Along the way, there are 99 bends, each seemingly a test for drivers, making it the world’s No. 1 road wonder.

Zhangjiajie Tianmen Cave

The Bailong Elevator is a perfect combination of speed and excitement. As the world’s tallest, fastest, and most heavily loaded elevator, it has created a glorious Guinness World Record. Taking the elevator, it only takes a short 2 minutes to have a panoramic view of several main scenic areas such as Golden Whip Stream, Yuanjiajie, and Tianzi Mountain, as if taking off from the ground, leaving one in awe.

Zhangjiajie Tianmen Cave

If you prefer a refreshing way of playing, Zhangjiajie’s trails will be your best choice. Strolling on the trails, breathing the fresh air, feeling the embrace of nature, it’s as if you become one with heaven and earth.

Zhangjiajie Tianmen Cave

If you love magnificent scenery, the rolling sea of clouds and towering peaks will surely satisfy your desire. They are like scrolls of nature, slowly unfolding before your eyes, immersing you in their beauty.

Zhangjiajie Tianmen Cave

If you like fantastic filters, Zhangjiajie is even more of a dreamland for you. The mountains and waters here seem to be endowed with magical powers, making you feel as if you are in a fantastical world.

Zhangjiajie Tianmen Cave

Zhangjiajie, a magical place filled with uniqueness, steepness, and magnificence. Whether you prefer a refreshing, magnificent, or fantastic way of playing, you can find your own enjoyment here.

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