Dayan Ancient Town: One of China’s Six Most Beautiful Rural Towns – A Nighttime Spectacle

Dayan Ancient Town Lijiang China's Most Beautiful Rural Towns

Dayan Ancient Town has become almost synonymous with Lijiang Old Town. When people refer to Lijiang Old Town, they are generally talking about Dayan Ancient Town.

Lijiang Old Town sits at an altitude of 2,400 meters and covers an area of 3.8 square kilometers. It is an ancient town with a long history, primarily inhabited by the Naxi ethnic group. According to historical records, the layout of Lijiang Old Town resembles a large inkstone. In ancient times, the characters for “inkstone” and “research” were used interchangeably, hence the town’s alternative name, Dayan Town. Today, Lijiang Old Town has been designed as a tourist destination that preserves Dongba culture and maintains the style of ancient architecture.

Our night tour of Lijiang Old Town began at the large water wheel, which has become a landmark at the entrance to the ancient city.

Dayan Ancient Town Lijiang China's Most Beautiful Rural Towns

Looking north from the water wheel, there is a covered bridge. As dusk approached, the red lanterns on the bridge were reflected in the Yuhe River, creating a shimmering effect on the water.

Dayan Ancient Town Lijiang China's Most Beautiful Rural Towns

The craftsmanship of the covered bridge exudes an antique charm, complementing the atmosphere of the ancient town. Tourists passing by are invariably drawn to the scenery on the bridge.

Dayan Ancient Town Lijiang China's Most Beautiful Rural Towns

Walking up the sloping street, one can look down and view the panorama of the ancient town. At around 20:10 in the evening, there were still not many tourists around.

Dayan Ancient Town Lijiang China's Most Beautiful Rural Towns

By this time, the decorative lights on the buildings had been turned on, highlighting the traditional Chinese eaves that are rich in ethnic characteristics.

Dayan Ancient Town Lijiang China's Most Beautiful Rural Towns

The stone-paved streets look weathered but provide good traction and have a unique charm. By this time, the number of tourists had begun to increase.

Dayan Ancient Town Lijiang China's Most Beautiful Rural Towns

Lijiang Old Town has been designed as a tourist-specific area, with all the doorways along the streets housing shops selling various food, clothing, and other goods.

Dayan Ancient Town Lijiang China's Most Beautiful Rural Towns

Descending from the slope to the bar street, the scene changes completely. The street is bustling with tourists, and the music from the bars is deafening.

Dayan Ancient Town Lijiang China's Most Beautiful Rural Towns

The floating candles and laser shows in the waterways attract many visitors, especially young people who enjoy participating in these activities.

Dayan Ancient Town Lijiang China's Most Beautiful Rural Towns

The bonfires in Sifang Street are being lit, sending sparks into the air. Music begins to play, and more tourists gather as the nightly ethnic dance performance in the square is about to begin.

Dayan Ancient Town Lijiang China's Most Beautiful Rural Towns

The Naxi ethnic dance known as “Datiaoˮ starts with the music. This is an interactive dance, and tourists join the dance line led by local Naxi residents.

Dayan Ancient Town Lijiang China's Most Beautiful Rural Towns

The buildings surrounding Sifang Street are adorned with diverse decorations, each showcasing its unique features under the night lights.

Dayan Ancient Town Lijiang China's Most Beautiful Rural Towns

The gate tower by the stone bridge appears particularly bright and eye-catching under the illumination, becoming a local landmark.

Dayan Ancient Town Lijiang China's Most Beautiful Rural Towns

The “I’m waiting for you in Lijiang” light display on the stone bridge attracts many young tourists who stop to admire it.

Dayan Ancient Town Lijiang China's Most Beautiful Rural Towns

Although it’s currently the off-season for tourism, the streets of Lijiang Old Town are crowded with visitors at night.

Dayan Ancient Town Lijiang China's Most Beautiful Rural Towns

It seems that people now choose to flood into Lijiang Old Town in the evening, while during the day, the place returns to a state of tranquility.

Dayan Ancient Town Lijiang China's Most Beautiful Rural Towns

Various colored lights reflect in the river, dyeing the water surface with a kaleidoscope of colors, transforming the river into a ribbon of multicolored light.

Dayan Ancient Town Lijiang China's Most Beautiful Rural Towns

Yunnan’s geographical location is truly blessed by nature. Flowers bloom in abundance both indoors and outdoors.

Dayan Ancient Town Lijiang China's Most Beautiful Rural Towns

Despite the crowds, there are still places to rest and grab a bite when tired. The small river flows quietly nearby, creating a poetic and picturesque scene.

Dayan Ancient Town Lijiang China's Most Beautiful Rural Towns

Some overly large storefronts and conspicuous light installations seem to clash with the traditional style of the ancient town.

Dayan Ancient Town Lijiang China's Most Beautiful Rural Towns

Within Lijiang Old Town, there are 354 bridges built over the Yuhe River system, which is an important factor in shaping the town’s scenic beauty.

Dayan Ancient Town Lijiang China's Most Beautiful Rural Towns

Lijiang Old Town is extraordinarily lively at night, truly a spectacle of lights and festivity. However, behind this bustling scene, the promotion and inheritance of traditional ethnic culture and customs seem to have weakened. Of course, this is a matter of personal opinion.