Discover China’s Top 10 Breathtakingly Beautiful Destinations That Will Leave You in Awe!

Time marches forward relentlessly, regardless of the good or the bad, and July is just around the corner.

In this article, we bring you the best summer travel destinations in China – the top 10 most beautiful places where each one is so stunning that it will take your breath away! Are you ready to embark on this journey with us?


When it comes to Yunnan’s hidden paradise, Puzhehei undoubtedly tops the list. Until recent years, when variety shows and TV dramas started filming here, it remained unknown to most people. Only travelers who love off-the-beaten-path adventures would set foot on this incredibly beautiful land.


Summer is the best time to visit Puzhehei when thousands of acres of lotus flowers bloom in the gentle pink hue, enveloping the entire lake. Imagine boarding a small boat and leisurely drifting through the lake – how carefree and relaxing!



In summer, you must dedicate some time to Moganshan. Here, “mornings feel like spring, and nights are as cool as autumn.” It’s often said that “you don’t need a fan during the day, and you can’t sleep without a blanket at night,” which perfectly describes the comfortable temperature.


In Moganshan, there’s no rush or hurry, only long and leisurely moments. Even if you do nothing but stay in a cozy inn of your choice, it’s still an incredibly wonderful experience.



I have always envied cities with beaches until I encountered Qingdao and completely fell in love with it. The enchanting Qingdao blue has captivated countless visitors.


Although the sun here can be scorching, the sea breeze blows away half of the heat. After staying in Qingdao for a few days and returning to your city, you’ll feel like you’ve come back to a furnace.


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4.Mulan Weichang

Mulan Weichang is known as the source of water, the hometown of clouds, the world of flowers, and the ocean of forests. Everything here can calm your heart.

Mulan Weichang
Mulan Weichang

Summer arrives late in Mulan Weichang but always manages to surprise with its beauty. Coming here, you’ll truly understand the meaning of fleecy white clouds, as if you’re floating in the sky, and when paired with the lush green grasslands, it’s simply refreshing and delightful.

Mulan Weichang
Mulan Weichang

5.Changbai Mountain

Many people are drawn to Changbai Mountain in winter, seeking the beautiful meaning of “staying together until old age.” However, they often forget that in summer, Changbai Mountain is lush and verdant, with murmuring streams. Being here feels like stumbling into God’s back garden.

Changbai Mountain
Changbai Mountain

Free from the constraints of concrete and the noise of bustling crowds, Changbai Mountain offers all its beauty to every visitor. This pure land on earth is worth traveling thousands of miles to reach.

Changbai Mountain
Changbai Mountain


Visiting Libo is bound to be a lung-cleansing journey. The moment you set foot on this land, a sense of coolness washes over you, making you can’t help but take deep breaths. Libo is known as the “Emerald on Earth’s Belt” and has become a uniquely beautiful existence in Guizhou.


The Zhangjiang scenery here can rival that of Jiuzhaigou, and the enchanting Xiaoqikong has mesmerized countless people. The Tiansheng Bridge is hailed as “the Oriental Arc de Triomphe sculpted by the power of nature.” Keep exploring, and the surprises Libo offers are endless. When visiting Guizhou, missing Libo would certainly leave you with regrets.


7.Daocheng Yading

You may pass through the entire world, but you’ll never pass by Daocheng because one day, we’ll all trace our steps to find it. There’s no other place in the world like Daocheng that captivates people’s hearts and minds.

Daocheng Yading
Daocheng Yading

Trekking in Daocheng, you’ll have your feet in hell but your eyes in heaven as you explore the mysterious veil of Milk Sea. Don’t fear altitude sickness because when you lay eyes on the heavenly beauty, altitude sickness is nothing in comparison. If the world weren’t so complicated, I’d really want to settle down here.

Daocheng Yading
Daocheng Yading

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No words can adequately describe the beauty of Jiuzhaigou, and the saying “after visiting Jiuzhaigou, you won’t be impressed by other waters” is not an exaggeration. The lake water is crystal clear, and between the green mountains and blue waters, there’s endless room for imagination.


At different times of the day, the color of the lake varies, sometimes emerald green, sometimes deep blue. Just sitting here and gazing at the beautiful scenery is a pure joy. Although an earthquake brought it down from the realm of immortals, after its recovery, Jiuzhaigou remains as beautiful as a fairy.



If you can’t go to heaven, go to Yubeng. Yubeng is located at the foot of the Meili Snow Mountain, and its pristine nature is reflected in the fact that no roads lead to the village.


To witness this stunning beauty and experience the hidden gem of Yunnan, you can only hike or ride a horse for 18 kilometers, crossing a 3,700-meter mountain pass to reach it. Chopping wood, feeding horses, and staying here – isn’t it a romantic decision?


10.Sayram Lake

Sayram Lake is vast and far-reaching, with a mirror-like calm surface. The snow-capped Tianshan Mountains are right in front of you, reflected in the lake water, creating a delightful scene.

Sayram Lake
Sayram Lake

If time permits, set aside a whole day to do nothing but daydream here. Let the high sky, the vast clouds, and the surging lake water carry your thoughts far away.

Sayram Lake
Sayram Lake

In July, these places will quietly stage a visual feast. If you miss it, you’ll have to wait another year. 2024 has taught us to love those we want to love with all our might and to set off immediately for the places we want to go. So, have you decided on your travel destination yet?