Kashgar, Xinjiang: Discover the Enchanting ‘Laziest’ City in China, Where Everyone Sleeps Until Noon

Some people firmly believe that without setting foot in Tibet, one cannot truly discuss the art of travel. However, this notion is challenged by the only land in China that can rival it – Xinjiang.

In the vast expanse of Xinjiang, the beauty of Southern Xinjiang and Northern Xinjiang flows like two parallel rivers, each carrying its unique charm.

Kashgar, Xinjiang

The renowned scholar Ji Xianlin once passionately stated, “In this world, there is only one place where the profound essence of Chinese civilization, the mystique of Indian civilization, the solemnity of Roman civilization, and the ancient wonders of Egyptian civilization converge. That place is Southern Xinjiang.”

As you step onto the land of Southern Xinjiang, a special and mysterious city naturally emerges before your eyes – Kashgar.

Kashgar, a city full of exotic charm and rich historical heritage, awaits your exploration and discovery.

Kashgar, Xinjiang

The Westernmost City in China

Kashgar, an ancient city once known as Shule, is a shining pearl on the ancient Silk Road.

In bygone days, it was a prosperous land where merchants gathered, and trade ships and caravans flowed endlessly. The streets and alleys were filled with the aroma of rare treasures and pungent spices from all corners of the world.

As a necessary transit point on the Silk Road, Kashgar witnessed the passage of countless merchants and travelers and bore the fusion and collision of Eastern and Western civilizations.

Kashgar, a city brimming with the unique charm of Western culture, has always been shrouded in a layer of mystery.

From ancient architecture and unique clothing to melodious music and rich handicrafts, everything makes one feel as if they have stepped into an exotic dream.

Geographically, Kashgar borders Tajikistan, Afghanistan, and Pakistan, making it a city full of exotic charm.

Here, you can feel the cultural atmosphere from different countries and experience diverse customs and traditions.

This is why many people who have visited Kashgar say that there are moments when they feel as if they are in a foreign land, surrounded by a unique cultural ambiance.

Kashgar, Xinjiang

The “Laziest” City in China

The “laziness” here does not refer to the indolence of the people of Kashgar.

It actually stems from a different biological clock, forced to maintain a subtle time difference from other regions in China.

China spans five time zones, and Kashgar, located at the westernmost end, synchronizes with Beijing time but secretly hides a time difference of about two hours.

Kashgar, Xinjiang

Therefore, the daily routines of the people in Kashgar are vastly different from those in the east. They usually wake up leisurely at ten o’clock and enjoy a peaceful breakfast.

At twelve o’clock, there are still shops on the streets that have not lazily opened, which has become a common sight.

When night falls and the eastern sky is already lit with lanterns, the sky in Kashgar is still bathed in sunlight.

It is not until midnight that Kashgar’s nightlife awakens, with dazzling lights and bustling crowds. The true night of Kashgar has just begun.

Kashgar, Xinjiang

Half Cultural Charm

Kashgar Old Town

If the essence of Xinjiang lies in Kashgar, then the soul of Kashgar is deeply hidden within the old town.

This place is a treasure of the world’s rammed earth architecture, where wood and brick intertwine. The dwellings are ancient and simple, withstanding the vicissitudes of a hundred years, yet still standing tall.

This is the only maze-like neighborhood in China with an Islamic cultural charm, possessing a unique allure.

Kashgar, Xinjiang

Entering the alleys of the ancient town, crimson and earthy yellow alternate, and the carved walls are exquisite and dazzling, with vibrant colors and an exotic atmosphere.

In front of each household, green plants adorn the space, exuding fragrance and refreshing the soul. The entire world seems to be infected by this tranquility and beauty.

The alleys are winding and secluded, yet people’s hearts are at peace. The residents are warm and hospitable, greeting with smiles. Although their Mandarin is awkward, they still convey warmth with “hello” and “goodbye.”

Kashgar, Xinjiang

In this old town spanning several square kilometers, more than 100,000 residents inherit ancient methods and pass on craftsmanship. History and culture are integrated into daily life, making life poetic and picturesque.

This place is serene, slow-paced, and peaceful, isolating restlessness and noise from the outside world.

Kashgar, Xinjiang
Kashgar, Xinjiang

High Platform Dwellings

The high platform dwellings stand on the loess cliffs in the southeast of the old town, reaching a height of over forty meters and a length of more than eight hundred meters.

With over six hundred households residing there, it is known as the “Living Folklore Museum of the Uyghur People.”

Only here can one truly feel the pulse of ancient Kashgar.

The houses are built along the cliffs, with houses connected to houses and floors connected to floors, stacked layer upon layer. Through generations, they have formed the scale seen today.

Kashgar, Xinjiang
Kashgar, Xinjiang

Entering the dwellings, the interior is interconnected and reveals a unique world.

Wandering inside feels like entering a maze, sometimes losing direction, sometimes taking a sudden turn and suddenly seeing the light.

This place is like a microcosm of Kashgar, with pure colors, intoxicating spices, and exotic melodies that enchant the soul, blurring the boundaries of time and space.

Kashgar, Xinjiang
Kashgar, Xinjiang

Id Kah Mosque

The Id Kah Mosque stands as the pinnacle among all mosques in China.

The entire architecture exudes a strong ethnic and religious atmosphere, and although located in the city center, it maintains a tranquil and secluded environment.

The lush white poplar trees inside the mosque add to the serene ambiance.

Kashgar, Xinjiang
Kashgar, Xinjiang

When visiting here, in addition to admiring the beauty of the architecture, one can also witness the grand spectacle of congregational prayers.

Fridays are the main prayer days, with a large number of worshippers, creating an awe-inspiring scene.

On weekday evenings, residents also enjoy gathering here, singing and dancing, while children play, creating a harmonious atmosphere.

Kashgar, Xinjiang
Kashgar, Xinjiang

Xiangfei Tomb

The Xiangfei Tomb is a mysterious and magnificent gem of Uyghur burial architecture.

Legend has it that Xiangfei, the beloved concubine of Emperor Qianlong, was a Uyghur woman from Kashgar. After her death, the emperor granted permission for her to be buried in her hometown.

Kashgar, Xinjiang
Kashgar, Xinjiang

The tomb resembles a sumptuous palace, with the surrounding walls covered in deep green glazed tiles. The brick carvings feature patterns based on plants, such as the tree of life, lotus, and pomegranate, all vividly depicted.

The glazed tiles, despite being over three hundred years old, remain as pristine and shining as ever, as if the light of history still gleams upon them.

Kashgar, Xinjiang
Kashgar, Xinjiang

Half Nature’s Wonders

K2 (Mount Qogir)

K2, also known as Mount Qogir, stands at the pinnacle of the Karakoram mountain range. Its altitude is second only to Mount Everest, making it the second-highest peak in the world.

In the Tajik language, it is revered as the “tall and majestic mountain,” a title that aptly describes its grandeur and magnificence.

Kashgar, Xinjiang

K2, in some ways, even surpasses the majesty of Everest.

On its steep slopes, the traces of avalanche chutes are vivid and varied, bearing witness to the vicissitudes of time and the power of nature.

As one of the internationally recognized peaks with extreme climbing difficulty, we may only be able to admire its mighty posture from afar, feeling that sense of awe and reverence.

Kashgar, Xinjiang

Muztagh Ata

Muztagh Ata, eternally capped with snow, is adorned in silver, like a venerable old father, solemn and dignified. Due to the early formation of its glaciers, it has been bestowed with the title “Father of Glaciers.”

Here, an air of mystery pervades, attracting mountaineering enthusiasts from around the world to explore.

Without cumbersome equipment, you can have close contact with the millennia-old glaciers, experiencing the purity and coldness of nature.

Kashgar, Xinjiang

And when you gaze upon Muztagh Ata from afar, the magnificent scenery is truly breathtaking.

It forms a delightful contrast with the Karakul Lake at its foot. The sky is clear, and the lake is like a mirror, creating a harmonious and beautiful painting.

In this moment, one cannot help but sigh: such a scene should only exist in heaven, rarely encountered in the mortal world.

Kashgar, Xinjiang

Karakul Lake

Karakul Lake is named after its deep and dark waters, with “Karakul” meaning “black lake” in the Kyrgyz language.

This lake is like nature’s palette, presenting different colors as the sunlight changes.

On sunny days, the lake water is clear as a mirror, pure and flawless; when dark clouds gather, the lake turns ink-black, deep and mysterious.

Kashgar, Xinjiang

Mountains, water, sky, earth, and clouds unite here, forming one beautiful painting after another.

Nature, the great poet, has used her brushstrokes to depict the most beautiful scenery on this land.

This poetic and picturesque beauty is intoxicating, as if it can only be found on the majestic Pamir Plateau.

Kashgar, Xinjiang

White Sand Lake & White Sand Mountain

On the way from Kashgar to Tashkurgan, a piece of Tiffany blue water catches the eye – that is the beautiful White Sand Lake.

At the end of the line of sight is a mountain range like white silk – White Sand Mountain.

This is the most dreamy place in Kashgar and the aspiration of every traveler.

Kashgar, Xinjiang
Kashgar, Xinjiang

Snow mountains, White Sand Mountain, and White Sand Lake complement each other, forming picturesque scenes like oil paintings.

The snow light illuminates White Sand Lake, the lake water reflects White Sand Mountain, and the clear lake water mirrors the reflection of the white sand mountain and distant snow mountains, creating a seamless and surreal vista.

On this land, nature’s masterful craftsmanship is fully displayed, making it hard for one to leave.

Kashgar, Xinjiang

No Shortage of Splendid Springtime

Alar Golden Grassland

Alar Golden Grassland, like a dazzling gem inlaid on the edge of Tashkurgan County, is named after the nearby Alar Village.

Here, the Tashkurgan River meanders like a silver belt, nourishing this fertile land.

The water and grass are abundant, and herds of cattle and sheep echo the distant snow mountains, white clouds, and blue sky, forming a stunning painting.

Kashgar, Xinjiang
Kashgar, Xinjiang

As the sun sets in the west, golden rays fall, dyeing the verdant grassland with a touch of gold.

The distant white yurts of the herdsmen and the leisurely roaming sheep are all bathed in this golden afterglow, as if draped in a layer of golden gauze.

On this boundless wilderness, people’s inner heroism and wildness can be unleashed. Travelers from afar should boldly embrace the magnificence and vastness nature has bestowed upon this land.

Kashgar, Xinjiang
Kashgar, Xinjiang

Taheman Wetland

Taheman Wetland, the gem of Tashkurgan County, truly lives up to its reputation as a golden pasture.

Here, mountain springs converge, forming patches of golden rice fields and gurgling streams.

The continuous snow mountains and the vast, magnificent desert Gobi complement each other, jointly composing a harmonious and natural masterpiece.

Kashgar, Xinjiang
Kashgar, Xinjiang

Ascending the Taheman Wetland viewing platform, the entire wetland’s beauty is captured in one’s eyes.

Surrounding snow peaks stand tall, shrouded in mist; wetland streams crisscross, shimmering with ripples; the grassland glitters with golden light, and cattle and sheep leisurely roam within.

At this moment, one realizes that beautiful scenery indeed has the power to heal the heart.

Travel may not require deep contemplation of its meaning, but it always leaves us with unforgettable moments.

Kashgar, Xinjiang

Datong Township Apricot Blossom Valley

Datong Township Apricot Blossom Valley is a hidden paradise.

Every March, when spring’s footsteps quietly arrive, Kashgar’s most gorgeous apricot blossoms silently bloom in this deep mountain valley.

Kashgar, Xinjiang

Datong Township, the last township in Xinjiang to have a highway connection, is also a pure land untouched by worldly disturbances.

Strolling on the village paths, treading on the pebbles of the Yarkant River riverbed, bathing in the warm sunshine, far from the noise and disturbance of the world.

Immersed in this earthly paradise, the troubles and worries in one’s heart vanish with the wind, leaving only tranquility and peace.

Kashgar, Xinjiang
Kashgar, Xinjiang

Unique Thrilling Experiences

The beauty of Xinjiang, like a series of grand paintings, lies not only in its vast and boundless territory but also in its steep and peculiar landforms, and even more in the dreamlike, stunning scenery along the way.

If you are fortunate enough to come to this magical land of Kashgar, then a self-driving tour is undoubtedly the best way to experience its charm.

As the wheels roll, we can not only feel the freedom and pleasure but also deeply appreciate the unique customs and flavors of this land.

Why not embark on the Karakoram Highway? This winding transnational highway is like a giant dragon nestled between the lofty mountains.

Walking on this road, we will face countless challenges and surprises, but each steep and tortuous turn will be rewarded with even more stunning beauty.

Kashgar, Xinjiang

The Tasha Ancient Trail is a path carrying over a thousand years of history.

It is both a synonym for a human paradise and an unexplored wilderness.

Every inch of land the wheels roll over seems to hold a moving story, waiting for us to discover and savor.

Kashgar, Xinjiang
Kashgar, Xinjiang

Moreover, there is the breathtaking Panlong Ancient Road.

On this 70-kilometer-long road, there are surprisingly more than 600 S-bends, each turn filled with challenge and excitement.

It is not only a heaven for hardcore self-driving enthusiasts but also a dream destination for every traveler.

On this self-driving journey, we will have close contact with the magnificent scenery of Xinjiang and feel with our hearts the shock and emotion this land brings us.

Let us embark on this unforgettable journey together and explore the stories and beauty hidden beneath the wheels.

Kashgar, Xinjiang

Endless Delicacies

Southern Xinjiang and Northern Xinjiang, each with its unique charm, vie for attention. Yet, they share one wonderful aspect – their enticing cuisine that makes one’s mouth water.

Without setting foot in Xinjiang, it’s hard to know how enchanting the true taste of “meat” can be.

Kashgar, Xinjiang

In memory, Xinjiang is always accompanied by the aroma of Big Plate Chicken.

The tender chicken, the starchy potatoes, and the soul-like noodles, the three meld into one, each mouthful a supreme enjoyment.

Kashgar, Xinjiang

Hand-grasped meat, the purest way to eat mutton.

Dipped in secret seasoning, paired with scallions, it melts in the mouth, sending one straight to the clouds, intoxicating.

Kashgar, Xinjiang

The wise people of Xinjiang created the culinary treasure of Hand-grasped Rice. Rice with dishes, dishes with meat, accompanied by refreshing side dishes, each mouthful lingering on the lips and teeth, endlessly satisfying.

Kashgar, Xinjiang

For noodle lovers, coming here is like entering an untouched realm. All kinds of mixed noodles are available, making one unable to stop.

Kashgar, Xinjiang

Xinjiang’s grilled food series is also irresistible.

The grilled buns with alternating fat and lean, one bite and the oil overflows, filling the mouth with fragrance.

Kashgar, Xinjiang

Xinjiang’s naan comes in many varieties – meat naan, oil naan, wowo naan… each with its unique flavor, making one eat heartily.

Kashgar, Xinjiang

Surprisingly, Xinjiang people can grill all kinds of eggs to such deliciousness.

The grilled eggs, compared to boiled ones, are more tender and fragrant.

Kashgar, Xinjiang

Naan pit meat is a unique delicacy of Xinjiang.

Grilled in a naan pit, it maximally retains the meat’s moisture, crispy on the outside and tender inside, with an excellent mouthfeel.

Kashgar, Xinjiang

Come here in summer, with melons and fruits filling the gardens, how can one miss out on kawas and pomegranate juice? The sweet and refreshing taste is enough to dispel the summer heat.

Kashgar, Xinjiang
Kashgar, Xinjiang
△ Roast Lamb Leg
Kashgar, Xinjiang
△ Xinjiang Fried Rice Noodles
Kashgar, Xinjiang
△ Grilled Meat with Yellow Noodles
△ Lamb Trotters
△ Jar Meat
△ Spicy Chicken
△ Grilled Fish
△ Yogurt
△ Mare’s Milk

Moreover, the Kashgar Grand Bazaar is a place not to be missed.

As the largest international trade market in China’s northwest, it has a history of over two thousand years and is known as “Asia’s largest bazaar”.

With over five thousand stalls and tens of thousands of specialties, it bustles with crowds daily.

Here, you can shop to your heart’s content, taste various delicacies, and even just strolling around, you can feel the rich Western Region atmosphere.

It’s said, “Coming to Kashgar is like being in a kaleidoscopic world.”

These words ring true. Time seems to stretch here, with the aroma of life permeating every corner.

The small city, though not large, has convenient transportation and a leisurely pace of life.

The lives of the young are colorful. Whether tasting delicacies or gathering to sing, everything seems so natural and comfortable.

The Uyghur dances in parks and squares are stunning.

From the elderly in their twilight years to the innocent children, everyone can dance to the music, as if dancing is their innate talent.

The people here are warm and hospitable. Whether it’s the young who can speak Chinese or the older generation who only speak Uyghur, they all enthusiastically interact with tourists, making one feel the warmth of home.

The sky is a clear blue, and the air is filled with the fragrance of melons and fruits.

The flowers and plants at the doorsteps are traces of a life well-lived. Children play carefree in the alleys, as if living here truly leaves no worries.

So, go to Xinjiang, and make sure to visit Kashgar.

In this ancient city that has slept in the sand sea for a thousand years, create an unforgettable time, and let your soul truly relax and rejoice.