Lanzhou Railway Station: The Uniquely Misspelled Name That Stood the Test of Time – A 70-Year-Old Calligraphic Masterpiece Unveiled!

In the vast expanse of China, there is a railway station that has become a topic of conversation among people due to its unique appearance.

This railway station is none other than Lanzhou Station.

Lanzhou Railway Station

Unlike the standardized fonts of other stations, the name of Lanzhou Station bears a slight “flaw” – a “misspelling” that has remained unchanged for 70 years.

However, this “misspelling” is not an unintentional error, but rather the work of a master calligrapher, and behind it lies a beautiful story.

Lanzhou Railway Station

The story dates back to 1952, the year when Lanzhou Station was about to be unveiled.

At that time, the leaders of the railway station faced a dilemma: how should the station name above the entrance be written? They approached Mr. Zhang Bangyan, a calligrapher who had lived in Gansu for several decades. Mr. Zhang pondered deeply, repeatedly deliberating, and finally decided to write the two characters in a unique way.

Lanzhou Railway Station

He inverted the three horizontal strokes of the character “兰” (Lan), as if symbolizing the humility and courtesy of the people of Lanzhou; he also added a hook to the last vertical stroke of the character “州” (Zhou), resembling the strong and unyielding backbone of the Lanzhou people.

These two characters not only reflect the cultural heritage of Lanzhou but also embody Mr. Zhang’s deep affection for this land.

Lanzhou Railway Station

Since then, Lanzhou Station has presented itself to the world with this unique font. Despite some people’s confusion and doubts, these two “misspelled” characters have become a calling card of Lanzhou, attracting the attention of countless people.

They have accompanied Lanzhou through decades of vicissitudes, becoming a unique landscape of this city.

Nowadays, whenever people mention Lanzhou Station, they always think of those two unique characters. They are not only the pride of Lanzhou but also a treasure of Chinese culture.

If you have the opportunity to visit Lanzhou, be sure to explore the railway station and see those two unique characters for yourself, feeling the profound meaning and charm they embody.

Lanzhou Railway Station

Whenever Lanzhou is mentioned, the song “Miss Dong” softly hums in my ears:

“Give me a Lanzhou……”

Lanzhou, the shining pearl of Gansu, has radiated a unique charm since ancient times. It is not only a key location on the Silk Road, “controlling the throat and connecting to the Western Regions,” but also a magnificent painting with mountains on three sides and the Yellow River flowing through the city.

This city, known as the Golden City, symbolizes unshakable strength and prosperity.


Lanzhou boasts picturesque mountains and rivers, as well as a wealth of historical sites, each containing a profound cultural heritage. It has witnessed the tireless footsteps of the ancestors on the ancient Silk Road, a shining pearl in the long river of history; it radiates the glory of the flourishing development of the Yellow River culture, a treasure of Chinese civilization.

Here, you can experience the distinct four seasons and the beautiful scenery of mountains and waters.


The Yellow River Iron Bridge in Lanzhou, as a landmark building, stands tall above the surging Yellow River, like the heart of the Golden City, pulsating with an endless vitality.


Standing on the bridge, listening to the rolling waters of the Yellow River, it seems as if you can hear the echoes of history and feel the heavy weight of the vicissitudes of time.


The five characters “First Bridge of the Yellow River” at the bridgehead, having weathered many storms, seem to be surging waves and splashing spray, ancient yet powerful.


Lanzhou also has a stunning spectacle – the Ink Danxia. This colorful hillside, with its crisscrossing gullies and vibrant colors, is like a palette of the earth, bursting with dazzling brilliance.


Walking among it, you feel as if you are in a fairy realm, making you feel refreshed and reluctant to leave.


In Lanzhou, you can also stroll through the ancient streets of the old town. The gray bricks and tiles, red lanterns, and fluttering flags make you feel as if you have traveled back to ancient times.


The streets are bustling with people, and the cries of vendors and laughter rise and fall, filled with a strong sense of life and local flavor. Here, you can taste authentic Lanzhou snacks, such as beef noodles and mutton paomo, allowing your taste buds to indulge fully.


In addition, the Yellow River Tower and White Pagoda Mountain are must-see attractions in Lanzhou.


Climbing to the top of the Yellow River Tower, you can overlook the entire cityscape of Lanzhou and feel the vastness of the Yellow River’s water coming from the sky;


Standing atop White Pagoda Mountain, you can gaze into the distance at the lush green mountains and the Yellow River like a belt, making you feel refreshed and invigorated.


Of course, when you come to Lanzhou, besides enjoying the scenery, tasting the food is also an important task. From the delicious beef noodles with rich soup to the aromatic and not-too-greasy roasted mutton, every bite is spicy and delicious.


Dazhong Alley and Zhengning Road are the gathering places for Lanzhou delicacies, where you can find various time-honored brands and snack stalls to fully enjoy the unique flavors of Lanzhou.


In short, Lanzhou, this city by the great river, has so much wonder waiting for you to discover.


It has a long history and cultural heritage, as well as magnificent natural scenery and rich food resources. So, if you have the opportunity to come to Lanzhou, be sure to have a good walk around and experience the unique charm of this city!