Master the Art of Capturing Shanghai’s City God Temple Without the Crowds in Just 2 Minutes!

The City God Temple in Shanghai is a renowned Taoist temple, one of the “Three Great Temples of the Yangtze River,” where the famous General Huo Guang is currently enshrined.

 City God Temple

With the development of the economy, this place has become a famous tourist attraction in Shanghai, with the City God Temple Taoist Temple and its delicious snacks attracting countless visitors.

In fact, I first learned about the City God Temple through its delicious snacks~

There are indeed many tourists visiting the City God Temple… Most of them take photos like this↓

 City God Temple

At the City God Temple, even when there are many people, it’s possible to capture the feeling of having the temple all to yourself. Below, I will showcase some of the photos I took at the City God Temple↓

 City God Temple

These photos were all taken in crowded areas. Can you believe it?

In the following photos, I will include images showing the shooting environment, telling you in detail how to capture the feeling of having the bustling City God Temple all to yourself.

Utilize Upward Angles

Capture the feeling of having the City God Temple to yourself

This method has been mentioned frequently before. Shooting upwards is especially suitable when there are many people. So, where in the City God Temple can you take good photos using this technique? Below, I’ll show you a photo taken at Yuyuan Department Store↓

 City God Temple

In fact, the shooting scene for this photo was quite chaotic↓

 City God Temple

The square area is our shooting area. By shooting this way, we successfully avoid the tourists while capturing both the ancient architecture and the modern buildings in the distance. It’s very simple. A photo avoiding the crowds is born.

Similarly, you can take the following photos of the City God Temple using this upward angle↓

 City God Temple
 City God Temple

If these photos were not shot upwards and instead included the people below, they might look like this↓

 City God Temple

The same location, just because the shooting angle is different, makes the difference between a tourist photo and a masterpiece.

Utilize Clean Walls

Capture the feeling of having the City God Temple to yourself

The City God Temple has many beautiful walls that are suitable for taking photos and ensure that your photo backgrounds are not cluttered, like this↓

 City God Temple

The photo looks very clean, but the shooting environment is actually quite chaotic↓

 City God Temple

In a place with a flow of people, you must have the subject lean against the wall when taking photos, placing them in the right third of the frame. It’s easy to take a clean photo this way.

If you’re not careful, the background will be full of passersby, like this↓

 City God Temple

Let me show you another example of a photo I took near Liyuan in Shanghai↓

 City God Temple

The shooting environment was like this↓

 City God Temple

If you stand in the middle of the road to take the photo, the passersby on both sides will all be in the frame.

There are many photos taken using walls at the City God Temple, such as the following↓

In fact, these photos were all taken in areas with a flow of people, but I found some good photography methods and angles to successfully avoid the tourists.

The above are the methods I’ve listed to help you take photos at the City God Temple that give the feeling of having it all to yourself. Taking photos like this will make your social media posts very stunning, no longer full of dense crowds of tourists~

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