Uncover the Hidden Gem of Guizhou: Zunyi, a Refreshing Oasis with Stunning Waterfalls and Secluded Landscapes!

When it comes to Zunyi, what first comes to your mind? Is it the red memory of the “Zunyi Meeting” or the world-renowned Moutai liquor? It seems like there’s not much else to think of beyond that…

Guizhou Zunyi

But I want to say, if you let go of your pursuit of traditional tourist cities and visit Zunyi just once, you’ll be pleasantly surprised and exclaim, “Wow, I never knew this small city had such an alluring side to it!”

Guizhou Zunyi

Zunyi is an incredibly suitable city for summer travel. After all, the coolness and chill of Guizhou are not just empty talk. But apart from that, Zunyi’s advantage lies in its “water activities”~

Guizhou Zunyi

Chishui, located in the northwest of Zunyi, is situated in the transitional area from the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau to the Sichuan Basin. In the high-altitude canyons, the largest and most spectacular danxia landform in China has developed.

At the same time, the area has high mountains, steep slopes, abundant rainfall, and a large altitude difference, forming thousands of waterfalls wider than 3 meters. This is how Zunyi earned the reputation of being the “City of a Thousand Waterfalls.”

Guizhou Zunyi

Waterfalls of various shapes and sizes are particularly magnificent when set against the backdrop of the danxia landform. No wonder people say, “To see waterfalls in China, go to Guizhou; to see waterfalls in Guizhou, go to Chishui!”

Guizhou Zunyi

If cooling off and enjoying the water isn’t enough, Zunyi also has ancient and tranquil villages scattered throughout, untouched hidden gems, and mouth-watering delicacies… Who can resist the temptation of these multiple buffs combined?

Guizhou Zunyi

Most people worry about transportation when traveling to Guizhou, but this is not a concern in Zunyi. It only takes 45 minutes by high-speed train from Guiyang to reach Zunyi, and even from the scorching city of Chongqing, it only takes 1.5 hours to arrive.

Zunyi even has two airports! (Zunyi Maotai Airport and Xinzhou Airport) Traveling between scenic spots is also made easy with tourist roads connecting them, making it extremely convenient!

Guizhou Zunyi

In my opinion, from the perspective of avoiding crowds and enjoying the summer, Zunyi definitely surpasses Guiyang, Anshun, Bijie, and Qiannan as a summer retreat. It has the potential to become the dream destination for escaping the heat!

How to Explore Chishui River Valley

Red danxia, green lush forests, red rivers, and green lakes…

Chishui River Valley is the area with the highest concentration of waterfalls in Zunyi and is an unparalleled choice for experiencing nature.

Guizhou Zunyi

Chishui Danxia

Chishui Danxia is a renowned attraction in Zunyi. The entire tourist area consists of three major scenic spots: Chishui Grand Waterfall, Foguang Rock, and Yanzi Rock. It is not only the core scenic area of the World Natural Heritage Chishui Danxia but also a national geological park, national forest park, and national nature reserve.

Guizhou Zunyi

Unlike other danxia landforms in China, this danxia is nestled among primitive forests, bamboo seas, and cycads, like a ruby embedded in an oasis.

Practical Information: Each scenic spot has its unique scenery. You can directly purchase a combo ticket to visit all of them at once, or you can choose one scenic spot and buy a separate ticket to explore it in detail.

Guizhou Zunyi

In the Chishui River Valley, multiple rapids and flying waterfalls deeply cut through the valley, forming China’s largest danxia waterfall landscape group. Chishui Grand Waterfall is the most magnificent among them.

Guizhou Zunyi

Chishui Grand Waterfall, also known as Shizhangdong Waterfall, is the largest waterfall on the danxia landform in China and the largest waterfall in the Yangtze River Basin.

Although it may not be as famous as the Huangguoshu Waterfall, which is also located in Guizhou, the combination of the waterfall with the high and wide danxia cliffs creates a strong visual impact.

Guizhou Zunyi

Standing at the waterfall observation deck, you’ll witness the waterfall cascading down from the red danxia cliffs with great momentum. Standing at the bottom of the valley and looking up, the water mist hits your face, and the tremendous sound is deafening, making for a truly spectacular scene.

Guizhou Zunyi

The Chishui River Valley is deeply cut, with steep cliffs on both sides. The thick, blocky red sandstone of the Cretaceous system has well-developed vertical joints, and the rock mass collapses along the joints, often forming “red cliffs” tens or even hundreds of meters high and wide. Foguang Rock is a typical representative of the giant danxia cliffs.

Guizhou Zunyi

At Foguang Rock, you will see a giant danxia cliff with a relative height of nearly 385 meters and an arc length of 1,117 meters, rising like a curved red giant wall.

Guizhou Zunyi

In the center of the cliff, there is a waterfall with a height of over 269 meters and a width of 42 meters, cascading down with a thunderous sound. However, due to the immense size of Foguang Rock, the waterfall appears quite delicate from afar, like a thin ponytail flowing straight down from the rock wall. The danxia cliffs radiate a red glow under the sunlight, resembling an exquisite landscape painting, which is quite stunning.

Guizhou Zunyi

If the essence of the grand waterfall lies in its water, and the focus of Foguang Rock is on the danxia landform, then Yanzi Rock offers the perfect combination of both mountains and water. The scenic area is divided into the South Garden and the North Garden.

In the South Garden, the precious ancient fern plant from hundreds of millions of years ago—the cycad—grows luxuriantly.

Guizhou Zunyi

The North Garden, on the other hand, highlights waterfalls and danxia landforms. The Yanzi Rock Waterfall is the main attraction, developing on the danxia cliff. On the south side of Yanzi Rock, it splits into two branches, cascading down from the top of the cliff. The waterfall is over 100 meters high, and the water flows continuously throughout the year. From Yanzi Rock, you can pass behind the Yanzi Rock Waterfall along the stepped path.

Guizhou Zunyi

Cycad National Nature Reserve

Around 180 million years ago, cycads (suō luó) were the most prosperous plants on Earth. Along with dinosaurs, they were the two major symbols of the “Reptile Era.” However, after long geological changes, most of the cycads on Earth perished, and only a few traces can be found in places known as “refuges.” Chishui is one of the refuges for cycads.

Guizhou Zunyi

Cycads can be found in most scenic areas within the Chishui River Valley, but if you want to find the perfect environment to appreciate the beauty of this ancient fern plant, the Cycad National Nature Reserve is the ideal choice.

Guizhou Zunyi

This is China’s first national-level cycad nature reserve, tranquil and secluded, where more than 40,000 cycads grow freely.

The National Tourism Administration has established an authentic “Jurassic Ecological Park of China” here. The occasional appearance of dinosaur models instantly transports you back to the Jurassic period, fully immersing you in the atmosphere. If you’re traveling with children, don’t miss this scenic spot.

Guizhou Zunyi

Chishui Bamboo Sea National Forest Park

Apart from cycads, the bamboo in Chishui is equally wonderful. In Chishui Bamboo Sea National Forest Park, 17 acres of Nandina bamboo are planted. Entering the forest park feels like stepping into a sea of bamboo. Climb up to the park’s “Sea View Tower,” lean on the railing, and gaze out at the endless expanse of lush green, covering the mountains and valleys.

Guizhou Zunyi

Sidong Gully

Sidong Gully is another great place to see waterfalls. In the local dialect, “dong” means waterfall. Here, you can see a total of four waterfalls, distributed at roughly equal distances within the scenic area.

These include the Water Curtain Cave Waterfall, which hangs like a pearl curtain; the Moon Pond Waterfall, as beautiful as a curved silver comb; the Flying Frog Cliff Waterfall, where giant rocks pierce through the surging green water; and the White Dragon Pond Waterfall, which plunges 60 meters straight down, creating a misty and magnificent atmosphere.

Guizhou Zunyi

The scenic area features exquisite peaks and ridges, lush bamboo in the valley, and verdant forests on the mountains. Rare plants under national first-class protection, such as cycads and Eurya loquaiana, can be seen everywhere. If you love both cycads and waterfall scenery, Sidong Gully can be your top destination.

Guizhou Zunyi

Chishui River Valley Tourist Road

In addition to visiting each scenic spot one by one, you can also drive along the Chishui River Valley Tourist Road to explore the Chishui River Valley.

The road starts from Maotai Town in Renhuai City, passes through Tucheng Town in Xishui County, and ends in Chishui City. It winds along the Chishui River Valley, forming the picturesque Chishui River Valley Tourist Road.

Guizhou Zunyi
Guizhou Zunyi

The Chishui River Valley Tourist Road consists of two parts: the main road and the slow-traffic system of bicycle lanes and pedestrian walkways.

The main road is about 153 kilometers long, with natural tree holes formed by erythrina trees on both sides. Along the road, a dark red bicycle lane runs through the entire route, stretching for about 168 kilometers. It complements the Chishui River and connects scenic spots like Sidong Gully and Foguang Rock. As you leisurely proceed, beautiful scenery unfolds before your eyes.

Guizhou Zunyi
Guizhou Zunyi

Whether you choose to drive, cycle, or hike, the dedicated bicycle lane and signposts along the entire route ensure that you won’t get lost. The 12 post stations, 26 camping sites, 23 observation decks, and rest areas along the way are all there to assist you on your journey.

Guizhou Zunyi

Off-the-Beaten-Path Destinations in Zunyi

Ancient Towns, Historical Ruins, and Natural Wonders

Bing’an Ancient Town is almost a must-visit classic destination for everyone who comes to Zunyi. However, apart from Bing’an, there are many ancient and secluded old towns and village-style holiday resorts hidden in the green mountains and along both banks of the Chishui River in Zunyi.

Guizhou Zunyi
Guizhou Zunyi
Guizhou Zunyi


Located about 35 kilometers from Zunyi South Station, Wujiangzhai combines a tranquil natural environment of mountains and rivers with a strong folk atmosphere of northern Guizhou villages. Incorporating the natural backdrop of mountains and rivers, it presents a scroll painting of residential communities in northern Guizhou.

Guizhou Zunyi

Although it is an artificially created resort, the scenery of the entire Wujiangzhai can be described as “not surpassing Jiangnan but resembling Jiangnan.” In addition to sightseeing, the resort also offers experiences of intangible cultural heritage such as batik, bamboo weaving, and flower paper displays, where tradition and trendy elements are rejuvenated.

Guizhou Zunyi

Datong Ancient Town

On the banks of the Chishui River, there is a once-prosperous but now long-decayed wharf called Datong Ancient Town.

Guizhou Zunyi

Most of the buildings in the ancient town were constructed in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, with houses built along the mountains in a staggered layout. In the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, various local specialties and medicinal materials, both raw and processed, were delivered and transshipped here via land routes. With the opening of land routes, goods were diverted, and merchant ships no longer docked. The wharf was gradually abandoned, with only some residents remaining to guard the memories of the ancient town.

Guizhou Zunyi

Today, the ancient town has lost its former glory, with occasional tourists visiting. The ancient town has not been fully developed, and there are still many residents living here. On the streets, there are local tailor shops, barber shops, clinics, etc., which are simple, natural, and full of local life, suitable for leisurely strolling. If you’re lucky enough to encounter a market day in the ancient town, you can experience the purest local life.

Guizhou Zunyi

Hailong Tun Ruins

The Hailong Tun Ruins are located at the eastern foot of Longyan Mountain in Zunyi. Construction began in 1257 and was destroyed in 1600. It is a “Tusi” castle site from the Song and Ming dynasties.

Guizhou Zunyi

Back then, Hailong was both a military and a palace building. It was situated on a mountain, with a strategic location. The north, east, and south sides faced the main source of the Xiangjiang River, the “Baisha River,” all of which were cliffs. The fortifications were layered, with the Yue City and Tu City built successively. There were three layers of city walls surrounding the top of the fort, and their winding posture along the mountain resembled the Great Wall.

Guizhou Zunyi

Today, the approximately 6-kilometer-long circular fort wall still exists. The six gates on the east side of the fort—Tongzhu, Tiezhu, Feihu, Feilong, Chaotian, and Feifeng—and the three gates on the west side—Houguan, Xiguan, and Wan’an—still stand, becoming important physical materials for studying the Tusi system and pass facilities in the southwestern region.

Guizhou Zunyi

Yunmen Tun

Yunmen Tun is located at the confluence of the Le’an River, Mei River, and Xiang River, surrounded by mountains and rivers, with clouds and mist lingering all year round. It gathers the essence of the typical karst landforms of the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau.

Guizhou Zunyi

It is said that the beauty of Yunmen Tun lies in the harmony of mountains and rivers, and the perfect combination of danger and gentleness. The most stunning feature in the scenic area is the Water Gate, where a stone gate about 80 meters wide and 100 meters high opens up in the mountain on the Le’an River. Sunlight shines on the water surface along the cave opening, making people gasp in amazement.

Guizhou Zunyi