Xueyudong Cave: China’s Dazzling Snow-White Wonder – A Limestone Cave Unlike Any Other

“After visiting many caves, they all start to look the same.” This is how some tourists summarize their cave experiences.

While this view has some merit, today I’ll introduce you to a cave that offers a refreshingly unique experience. Let’s embark on a virtual journey to Xueyudong Cave in Fengdu County, Chongqing.

Xueyudong Cave China's Cave

Located in the outskirts of Fengdu County, Chongqing, Xueyudong Cave may be a limestone cave, but regardless of how many extraordinary caves you’ve explored before, the scenery here will leave you mesmerized.

Why? Because this cave lives up to its name, with rocks resembling “snow jade.” Stepping inside feels like entering a dreamlike underground kingdom of ice and snow. At times, you might forget that the pure, crystalline structures forming this kingdom are not snow, but carbonate rocks.

Xueyudong Cave China's Cave
Xueyudong Cave features pristine white stalactite and stalagmite formations.
Xueyudong Cave China's Cave
A remarkable sight in Xueyudong Cave is the large white “ground shield” formation known as the Snow Jade Penguin.
Xueyudong Cave China's Cave
The cave offers a fantastical and enchanting experience.
Xueyudong Cave China's Cave

Today, I’ve chosen to highlight four of Xueyudong Cave’s most captivating features. Let me briefly introduce them to you:

I. Xueyudong Cave Highlights

A Magical “Ice and Snow” Kingdom

Although the rocks in Xueyudong Cave are all carbonate, the cave’s excellent sealed environment results in very few impurities in the carbonate rocks. Consequently, most of the stones inside the cave are white. This is a rare spectacle in underground limestone caves.

Xueyudong Cave China's Cave
The stalagmites and stalactites in Xueyudong Cave are predominantly white.
Xueyudong Cave China's Cave
Even the unique rock ridges are white.
Xueyudong Cave China's Cave
The white color enhances the dreamlike and crystalline appearance more than other colors would.

The Snow Jade Penguin

This 4-meter-tall carbonate rock formation is known as a “ground shield.” The Snow Jade Penguin is crystal clear throughout. As you walk through Xueyudong Cave, no matter how many spectacular scenes you’ve witnessed before, you won’t want to miss this extraordinary sight. It’s named for its striking resemblance to a penguin.

Xueyudong Cave China's Cave
The Snow Jade Penguin is protected inside a glass enclosure. The pathway nearby is very narrow, making it challenging to capture the entire formation in a photograph.
Xueyudong Cave China's Cave
The surrounding scenery near the Snow Jade Penguin is equally captivating.

Tower Coral Flower Clusters

Xueyudong Cave boasts an impressive array of tower coral flower clusters. This is a common feature in carbonate rock underground landscapes. The scale of these clusters here is particularly grand, and when combined with the white stalagmites and ground shields, they create a more fantastical and spectacular scene than those found elsewhere.

Xueyudong Cave China's Cave
The panorama created by tower coral flower clusters, white stalagmites, and stalactites is truly breathtaking.
Xueyudong Cave China's Cave

Wild Monkey Groups

Along the mountain path from the scenic area entrance to Xueyudong Cave, groups of wild monkeys are often spotted. There are “Beware of Monkey Attacks” signs in this area. However, the scenic area staff now feed the monkeys. Visitors can observe them while passing by, but remember not to feed or provoke these monkeys.

Xueyudong Cave China's Cave
A staff member feeding pumpkins to the monkeys.
Xueyudong Cave China's Cave
There are many monkeys along the path to Xueyudong Cave, but they rarely approach visitors for food now.
Xueyudong Cave China's Cave
An adorable young monkey looking at the camera.

II. Sightseeing Experience

The overall travel experience at Xueyudong Cave scenic area is not ideal. This is due to limited freedom for exploration, rushed tour times, and the cave’s structure, which may prevent visitors at the back from hearing the guide’s explanations.

Like most limestone caves in China, after purchasing tickets for Xueyudong Cave, visitors must wait outside to form a group. Once formed, a guide leads the group, with a staff member at the rear. Shortly after visitors finish viewing a main attraction, the lights in that area are turned off. While I understand the scenic area’s approach, I personally find this viewing experience less than satisfactory.

Xueyudong Cave China's Cave
The paths in Xueyudong Cave scenic area are narrow and slippery.
Xueyudong Cave China's Cave
Some areas have dim lighting.
Xueyudong Cave China's Cave
Many formations cannot be observed closely, which is regrettable.
Xueyudong Cave China's Cave

III. Practical Travel Tips

  • Tickets: 93 yuan/person when purchased online, discounted tickets 49 yuan/person.
  • Driving: Park at the main entrance parking lot, then walk into the scenic area.
  • Time: The tour of Xueyudong Cave takes about 40 minutes.
  • Note: The temperature inside the cave is low, so prepare warm clothing in advance.
Xueyudong Cave China's Cave
Mesmerizing scenery in Xueyudong Cave.
Xueyudong Cave China's Cave

Although Xueyudong Cave is relatively “young” in geological terms (formed over a shorter period), its unique style is irreplaceable. Despite the average viewing experience, those who don’t mind can still visit and appreciate its beauty.

Besides Xueyudong Cave, do you know of any other limestone caves with particularly special landscapes? Feel free to share and interact in the comments section.